Gephardt Statement on Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act

Date: Nov. 21, 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Drugs

November 21, 2003

Washington, DC - Rep. Dick Gephardt released the following statement on the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003 currently being considered in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"I strongly oppose this bill because it undermines the foundation of Medicare and provides little help to seniors who are struggling to pay for their prescription drugs. This bill takes dangerous steps toward privatization by forcing millions of seniors into HMOs and raising premiums for those who remain in traditional Medicare. This bill, which was supposed to increase health coverage for seniors, will cause two to three million retirees to lose the prescription drug coverage they already have. Finally, the drug benefit enacted by this bill will leave seniors without drug coverage for part of the year, even though seniors will continue to pay premiums year around. This legislation is a sham that cheats America's seniors and weakens Medicare."

"The creation of Medicare in 1965 by Lyndon Johnson and a Democratic Congress was a pivotal moment in securing the health and well-being of America's seniors. Without the safety net Medicare provides, seniors would not be able to afford the care they need to lead active and healthy lives. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has been trying to privatize Medicare since its inception. The Democratic Party needs a presidential nominee who will stand and fight for the preservation of this important program and protect it from deep cuts and privatization schemes."
